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personally i would like some synced music so like when the blocks appear it plays a note or smth

cool game

(1 edit)

you can save the High Score by creating a player pref.

Ex: PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighScore", HighScore);

you call the PlayerPrefs func. Declare a name for you pref. And then set that pref to the instance of a variable. Such as the one that stores your highscore. 

When you load the Scene that stores the high score. In start or awake call.

HighScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighScore");

This was made using Godot, not Unity. So I don't have the option of using PlayerPrefs.

Nice job getting this in so quick! I cant get over 35


35 here too, seems at 35 a giant block comes down and your balloon is to slow to move out of the way